Rehab Referral Form | Raleigh-Durham | Fayetteville | (919)-434-7609
Learn more about our upcoming CPR classes:
Classes Available Near You
Pet first aid is the immediate care given to any pet that is injured or ill. If you are a pet owner or pet care professional you should be trained in the necessary skills and techniques of pet first aid. In addition to CPR and first aid, you will also learn dental care and senior care for your pets.
According to the American Animal Hospital Association, 1 out of 4 pets could be saved if just one pet first aid technique is used before transporting the animal to the veterinarian.

Become Certified
The 5-hour CPR & First Aid class includes the skills and information necessary to prepare the pet owner in the unfortunate event of a medical emergency involving their pet.
Topics Highlighted:
Rescue Breathing
Shock Management
Injury Assessment
Heat Injuries
Cold Injuries
Dental Care
Senior Care
and more.
Upcoming Pet CPR Classes
5-Hour Course | 2-Year Certification
In our classes you will learn CPR techniques, first aid skills, dental and senior care (only available with PetSaver™ Training), as well as health and wellness information for dogs and cats. Additionally, the class includes our PetSaver™ 40-page handbook and upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certificate and wallet card.
The Dabba Fitness Center
305 Asheville Ave
Cary, NC 27518
July 20th Class: 9am-2pm